Latest News!
Cooranbong wins
highly commended award in NSW Dept School website competition!!
students offered donation of computer video camera! Recently students from Cooranbong
were involved in an Internet video conference with students from Whisconier Middle School
(U.S) using microsoft Netmeeting software. We were only able to transmit sound as we do
not have a computer video camera. The district superintendant from the U.S was at the
conference and was so impressed he has offered to donate a video camera to our school so
that next time we can have a full video conference. The possibilities are exciting as we
could conduct a lesson through the Internet with both classes, thousands of kilometres
Important Notices
* Family Fun Night has been postponed until Thursday 4th March
* Show holiday Friday 5th March -Children do not attend school.
*Tue 30th March School Council annual general meeting.
*Thur 1st April Easter hat parade