Principal: Di Cox Ph: 0249771122 Fax: 0249772059 Webmaster: cooranbongbarron
Welcome to KidsArt -Aid. This is an educational project started off by students from Cooranbong Community School (Australia) and Whisconier Middle School (U.S). Our aim is to showcase indigineous art by school students from around the world to create a virtual art gallery. We hope to not only share our indigineous cultures but to encourage corporations to sponsor a child's art piece. Proceeds of these sponsorships will be used to help students in developing countries resource their schools. We are currently hoping to raise money to assist children in Papua New Guinea rebuild schools after the recent tsunami. We invite all schools around the world to submit some art work based on their native culture. We also invite any individuals or businesses to sponsor a piece of artwork. We shall place a virtual plaque next to any piece sponsored and shall be sure to promote your business in any media coverage we may generate. Thankyou to