Principal: Di Cox Ph: 0249771122 Fax: 0249772059 Webmaster: cooranbongbarron
Here is the A-Z of information for parents and community members A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Children have the opportunity to operate a bank account through the School. Banking takes place each TUESDAY morning. Children simply take their bank book to the office. Accounts are through the Commonwealth Bank at Morisset. Pupils may ride bikes to school providing they are in full roadworthy condition and the pupils obey the rules of the road. Bicycle inspections are made from time to time by members of the Safety Accident Section of the Police Department. Pupils whose bikes are found to be faulty are given notices and the bikes are not to be ridden to school until faults are remedied and inspected by the Principal or Executive Teacher. PROTECTIVE HELMETS MUST BE WORN.Teachers reserve the right to ground Pupils who are seen to be behaving dangerously, carelessly and/or not complying with road rules. Book Week is celebrated each year, according to the theme for the year. Usually we have some type of entertainment and a fancy dress parade of each class. Parents are welcome at this event. The end of year picnic is held during the last week of Term 4 on a school basis. The school canteen operates during the week with the assistance of volunteer parents. Without parental support the Canteen cannot operate, so if you can assist, please join one of the rosters. See the school office for the canteen contact numbers. A teacher has responsibility for any collections undertaken for charitable organisations. We do not offer support to all worthy causes, but limit our efforts to a few. The main target for our efforts is Stewart House. 9. CHEWING GUM/BUBBLE GUM. In the interests of all pupils, chewing gum of any kind is banned from school. 10. COUNSELLOR. The services of a School Counsellor are available to assist the school as required. Children with learning difficulties etc. are referred to the Counsellor by the Principal and parents may arrange an interview with the Principal and Counsellor to discuss any matters of concern. A Parental Consent form signed by parents is required before a child can see the Counsellor. A dental clinic is situated in Beckley Street, Toronto. The unit provides treatment in examinations, filling, extraction, fluoride therapy etc. Clinic 'phone number is 4959 4289. 12. DISCIPLINE. Choice Theory/Realtity Therapy is implemented at Cooranbong Community School with the aim of providing children with the skills to increasingly control their behaviour and develop self discipline in the playground and classroom. The process involves the following, 1. Establish school and class rules. 2. Establish student and teacher role definitions.
During Easter Week the school holds an Easter Hat Parade. The pupils parade in their creation for all to see. Parents are invited to this occasion. During Education Week parents are invited to visit classes in the school and join in various organised activities with their children. Excursions for various classes may be held from time to time throughout the year. These excursions will be of two types: a. Trips away from the school - usually involving bus travel. The length of the trip will vary from a few hours to a full day, with occasional major excursions of several days' duration for pupils in primary classes. Parents will be fully informed of the details by letter and a permission note signed by the parent will be required from each child who wishes to attend the excursion. b. "Walking" Excursions. These will involve walking to points in the vicinity of the school. A blanket consent note is required for such excursions. Regardless of the type of excursion being undertaken it is expected that children's behaviour will be of the highest order - any misbehaviour will result in the child being excluded from all such future activities until such time as the teachers are satisfied with the child's general behaviour. Head Lice becomes a major problem periodically during the year. Parents are advised to check their child's hair regularly for signs of either eggs or lice. Shampoos are readily available to address this common to school.problem. When no more nits can be found, children may return Children should not be sent to school if they have shown recent symptoms of illness or if they are suffering from an illness. It is essential that the school is in Possession of a telephone number for contact with parents. Homework should be a purposeful activity which takes up a few minutes of your child's time each night Monday to Thursday. No child should be forced to sit at a table doing homework for long periods. In many cases "homework" may consist of collecting pictures, reading to Mum or Dad, or completing exercises begun in class. The most important thing is to establish a regular homework period so that a pattern is established particularly in readiness for High School. Each teacher establishes an individual homework policy that is conveyed to the pupils at the beginning of each year. During the early years of school, parents can assist their children's development by reading to them each night, showing interest in completed tasks and listening to their early attempts at reading books. Children are allocated to a house for the purpose of competition. The Houses are: MACQUARIE - colour RED REID - colour GREEN FREEMAN - colour BLUE SHORTLAND colour YELLOW There are many childhood diseases including even well known ones which can cause serious complications and sometimes even death. These are diphtheria tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), poliomyelitis, measles, mumps and rubella, all of which children can be immunised against. If a child has one of the above childhood diseases, then he/she will have to stay at home until well. The NSW Public Health Act has been changed and parents with children starting Kindergarten from 1994 must present an Immunisation Certificate at the time of school enrolment. The Certificates can be obtained from your doctor, Senior Health Surveyor of the local Council, Medical officer of Health of the nearest Public Health Unit or Community Health Staff. Non-immunised children who have been in contact with a child with one of the above diseases must stay at home during the outbreak - This applies only to children starting Kindergarten from 1994. The wearing of jewellery to school is to be discouraged. A watch along with sleepers or studs may be worn, but ornate adornment is not permitted. 24. LABEL CLOTHING.
Please ensure that all items of your child's clothing are legibly and prominently labelled with his/her name and class. 26. NEWSLETTER. A Newsletter is distributed to all families via the It is recommended that all children have an old shirt or painting smock to protect their clothing during painting and craft lessons. Authorised vehicles only may enter school grounds via Government Road. At 3.00pm all children driven by private conveyance must be collected via Mathews Valley Road. The P. & C. is a parent Organisation and membership is open to all. Parents are welcome to become involved with the school and its activities through membership and participation in School Council, P & C, Canteen and fundraising. Some teachers also enlist the aid of parents for direct assistance with class reading and other Pupils must accept responsibility for items of personal property which they bring to school. Items such as transistor radios, cassette players, cameras, large electronic games etc. should not be brought to school other than on special occasions for specific purposes. Class photographs are taken annually and are available for purchase by parents. Students are notified as to the appropriate uniform required. A Presentation Day to recognise pupil achievement is held annually towards the end of Term 4, to which parents are invited. At the completion of Year 6 most pupils proceed to Morisset High School. The question of repetition of a grade arises for some children at the end of each year. Parents of such children are notified in writing of the situation in good time for discussions and resolution prior to the end of the school year. The basic school rules are: * Children are not to engage in any activity that endangers either themselves or another person. These rules are designed to provide protection for all pupils. 38. SCHOOL COUNCIL. The School Council is an elected body of Parent, School and Community members that meets approximately eight times a year. It makes decisions on policies and issues affecting the school. This group meets on the last Tuesday of the month at 5.30pm in the staffroom after light refreshments. While the school secretary is available to answer the 'phone, calls to teachers should be limited to outside teaching times. The secretary will take messages. 9.15am - 3.00pm School day 11.10am - 11.55am Lunch 1.30pm - 1.50pm Recess When in primary classes, children of all abilities are catered for by a system which offers sport on an intra-school (House) level and inter-school level. Sports played include cricket, soccer, netball and softball. HOUSE - The House system allows all children to participate in team sports and learn the skills of a variety of games. The sports rotate so that pupils compete in as great a variety of activities as is possible. INFANTS - Combined activities with skill development objectives are practised each week. The P & C Association organises stalls before Mothers'/Fathers' Day each year so the children may purchase small gifts. Stewart House Preventorium was established in 1930 at South Curl Curl to provide services of various kinds to children in need. It accommodates pupils from all parts of NSW. Stewart House is totally maintained through contributions from school organisations. The children are supervised in the school grounds only between 8.45am and commencement of lessons at 9.15am, during lunch 11.10am - 11.55am and during the recess period 1.30pm - 1.50pm. They are also supervised during the departure from the school grounds to catch buses or to walk directly home. A school swimming carnival is held annually for Years 1 - 6. A house competition operates and all students are encouraged to participate. Representatives of the Seventh Day Adventist Church attend the school weekly for the taking of non-denominational scripture lessons. Please indicate clearly on Enrolment Forms if you want your child to attend. Donations of items of uniforms that no longer fit or are no longer required are welcome and may be left at the office. An alternative is culottes in the same material as above and a light blue polo shirt with school emblem. The boy's uniform is grey shorts and a light blue shirt or polo shirt with school emblem. Girls have the option of a pinafore with light blue blouse and royal blue jacket. Bovs have the option of long grey trousers with light blue skivvy/polo shirt and round neck royal blue jumper with school emblem. The bo Is uniform is royal blue shorts and a light blue t-shirt/polo shirt with school emblem. In the summer months, the school adopts a policy of "no hat, no play".
All the above uniforms (excluding hats) can be purchased through Morisset Uniforms, Short Street Morisset. 9. VOLUNTARY SCHOOL DONATIONS. The voluntary school donations are currently $33.00/year for one child or $55.00/year per family. The donations can be paid in installments and bankcard facilities are available. VISITING PERFORMERS. Each year the Department of Education gives approval for school performances to a number of outside organisations and individuals. A limited number ' of appropriate performances may be arranged for the pupils each year. |