Principal: Di Cox Ph: 0249771122 Fax: 0249772059 Webmaster: cooranbongbarron
Literacy Literacy is an important Key Learning Area at Cooranbong Community School. Here are some of the programs we have implemented. Partners in Print Cooranbong Community School runs a program called Partners in Print. It is a program especially designed for parents of Kindergarten and year 1 children.Parents and children in kinder and year one went for 8 weeks. It was to give the parents some ideas for helping their children with reading. We had about20 parents turn up regularly and the children and parents really enjoy it. The mums and dads have been coming to school every Thursday morning. The parents join their children in class activities. Reading Buddies On Monday and Tuesday at lunch times we have some wonderful older children volunteer to help infants children with their reading. We change the infants about every 5 weeks to give more children an opportunity. Home Reading Program Cooranbong Community School has a program called Home Reading. Every 25 books you read you get a certificate. After you have read 250 books you will get a book award. This program is for all the children in the school. You get your award at the Friday assembly. - Taysha B & Amy S. Infants Reading Groups