Old schooling |
Bullocks worked the Wattaggans near our school |
Class of 1897 |
Class of 1935 |
Class of 1941 |
Class of 1947 |
Sawmills and logging were the main industry |
1831 map of our area |
Pre 1900 subdivisions |
You can still
smell the weet-bix being made |
New school buildings in 1988 |
Class of 1982 |
Class of 1983 |
Class of 1985 |
Sport in the '70's |
Stand at attention |
Cooranbong students attend
the "Charles & Di " visit |
The education minister
opens our new buildings |
Easter hats in
1988 |
Fitness in '88 |
Cooranbong wins many environmental awards |
Library opens
in 1982 |
Community |
Soccer 1983 |
Before the
"new" recycled buildings |
Performing arts -
Wakakirri dance group 1997 |